Religion – A curse or a blessing?

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Religion – A curse or a blessing?

Religion is a particular system of faith and worship, these days you can find different religions in practically every country and community– it’s all about beliefs with culture and tradition playing a role, people worships a superhuman controlling power either as a personal GOD or gods.

Let me start by analysing the origin of religion in the African context - before colonization, there was traditional religion in practice among Africans. These religions were widely practiced by everyone with no exception or competition, the doctrine was all the same in every village. The religion covers the area of security, marriage, and business etc.

Origin of popular religions around the world – Christianity was developed out of Judaism and it’s all about the teachings, life, death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Christians believes Jesus Christ is the son of God) – the followers of this religion are called Christians. Over the centuries this religion has evolved into various branches and as they are divided so are the differences in practices and doctrines. You can now find the Roman Catholic Church to the Baptist, The Protestants, The Anglican, The Methodist, The Pentecostals, Seventh Day Adventist, New Apostolic Church and the Orthodox Church amongst others.

There are also numerous subcategories within each of these branches as local tradition and cultures gets injected at every community around the world to define their own way of worship.
The lack of unity results into millions of ways to worship the same “God” under different umbrellas and different doctrines and they are all called “Christians”.

Israel is a very popular Country among the Christians because Jesus Christ lived and died there. Many Africans visit this Country every year on pilgrimage spending millions of USD in foreign exchange – it is worth noting that only a meagre 2% of Israel’s adult population are Christians in this Middle East country. Majority of Israelites are Jews and they practice the Jewish religion of Judaism. Israel is one of the richest countries in the world with major allies from all the top western countries.

Rome is another popular destination for Africans of the Catholic faith (this is another branch of Christianity). The Vatican City is the seat of the head of this Church – The Vatican City is ruled by the Bishop of Rome i.e. the Pope.   The Vatican is an extremely rich state and richer than most African countries even though it's just a tiny Enclave located within the city of Rome with about 111 acres of land and a population is just 1000 people.
The Vatican City gained independence from Italy on the 11th of February, 1929. This tiny Sovereign state controls all the Catholic Churches worldwide!

Islam is another major religion which also originated from the Middle East. It is a religion that teaches - there is only one incomparable God (God is Allah in Islam), and the religion believes that Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Islam is the second largest religion in the world and the followers of Muhammad are called Muslims. This religion began in Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia. 

Islam as a religion also has branches like Christianity and sub-categories. In Islam, there are the Sunni and the Shia, the Sufi and the Salafi. They both have numerous offshoots across the globe. There are nearly 2billion Muslims across the globe and the largest Muslim majority Country is Indonesia in Southeast Asia.

Saudi Arabia is also the Richest Country in the Middle East and one of the richest in the World. Africans troop to this land for both “Umrah” and “Hajj” in millions annually, spending millions of USD in foreign exchange in the process.

Both Christianity and Islam found their way into Africa via colonization and trade. Ever since the arrival of these religions – peace left the continent.

Now get yourself a seat and come on board with me on this, picture your immediate surrounding as you read this with an open mind irrespective of your beliefs. You will understand this piece better if you read as an African and not as a Christian or a Muslim.
All the Countries that introduced religions to the Continent of Africa are well developed and continue to prosper e.g. the United Kingdom. There are less religious people in all these developed Countries where these religions originated.

Every corner of Nigeria and Africa at large is full of Churches and Mosques and in the process, the traditional religion gets buried. These days, an average African don’t want to be seen associated with traditional worship like Sango, Ogun onire, Oya, Obatala – obatasa, Amadioha, Ala, ikenga, Ekwensu, Idemili, Anya, Agwu nsi, Anyanwu amongst various other gods in all the nooks and crannies of Africa. Now here is the funny part – Europeans come to Africa to “buy” what is left of these gods after those that have been stolen during the era of colonization. Africans now visit these countries to pay entrance fees and take pictures with these “gods”. While Africans were being taught how to study the Bible and pray, the Europeans were busy carting away not just all the valuable mineral resources but also all the spiritual local “gods” – most are widely known to be the origin of science and technology as you see it today.

It’s very okay and acceptable for an African to celebrate “Halloween” but the “Osun Oshogbo” festival is too local or fetish. An African would patronize European or Arab businesses that have all sorts of “gods” like “Budha” displayed on business premises but would do a runner from an African business with ordinary “broom” or “sango onikoso” displayed at the place of business for security.

Only in Africa do you find Pastors and Imams as mega-billionaires while their followers are wretched yet all these monies that made their leaders wealthy are from the stipends that get donated in all forms of titles on Sundays and Fridays. These spiritual leaders are now like “lords” within their respective denominations.

Couples now respect their spiritual leaders over their partners. “Daddy said I shouldn’t do this or shouldn’t do that” against the wish of their partners, and they are still wondering why there are more broken homes than settled ones.
These leaders own private jets, establish colleges and universities that the children of their congregation cannot afford to attend? Remember it was the “donations” and “tithes” of these members that built and paid for all these properties in the first place.

Leaders of religious organizations have been known to involve in shady deals like bribery and corruption among various scandals that includes rituals and sex in the house of the “lord”.
Their followers have been brainwashed to follow like sheep and no matter what the “father” is doing – it’s the Lord's way! The joke here is that all these leaders are so desperate for power that they now seek help from the same “gods” that my people are running away from and calling all sorts of names. For any religious “company” to flourish now, it’s no longer about the word of God but miracles and how eloquent the “leader” can speak. The one leading is in the know on how the mind of the people works, so all they do is to seek for “power” from the “gods” to deceive innocent followers.

The “Dibias”, “Baba-alawos” “Oluwos”, “Apenas” are now in the same “society” as the “Pastors” and “Alfas” and the only product they have in common are the people. Unfortunately my people are blinded by lack of education and desperation to believe all these clowns parading themselves as “men of God” even though it’s so obvious that they all con men in suits and babanriga, all they have to do is learn how to speak grammar, be eloquent and speak in “tongue” then buy off some “power” from local “gods” to maintain their business.

I am sure there are real men of God but unfortunately very few are and those who are – have very few followers because my people can’t see “ the work of God “ on them – they don’t own mansions, drive rolls Royce or travel around the world in a private jet.

My people, you can’t find salvation in eloquence or by paying for it. Both the Bible and the Quran is straight forward enough for you who really wants to serve God. You do not need anyone to interpret between you and God. And if you must know all religions are interwoven, if you listen to the Ifa praise and worship, it’s not any different to Christians praise and worship neither is it far from Islamic ways – the only major difference here is the fact that tradition and culture are connected to it. Islam is an Arab culture; Christianity is European, just as Buddhism is Asian. None of these continents worship sango, amadioha or ikenga so why all the killings over the religion of other people?

Moving to the Church or Mosque permanently won’t guarantee you a place in heaven. Donating millions to the Church or Mosque won't either – God doesn't need your money, your spiritual leader does. It is not a rocket science if you look around you that religion has caused more chaos in the world than bringing peace. Saudi Arabia has been financing war in Gulf areas for decades – see all the states in the Middle East? All the generation born in the last 4 decades has never known peace. Look at the Israelites and the Palestine’s, India and Pakistan,  Sudan vs South Sudan, Constant religious crisis in Jos, Kafanchan and the “outlaws” Boko haram claiming to be Muslims in the deep forest of Sambisa.

There are more churches and mosques in every city and town in Nigeria – and Africa at large, than Industries, factories or businesses – even schools! No country or community can be economically buoyant with such reliance on religion. Imagine the world with no religion? We are already divided along tribal lines – that is enough headache as it is. One does not have to be religious to be a believer.

Whatever your faith is – look inward and do a self-analysis. Most of us are practicing one particular religion because we were born into it. Stop making other people's lives better and their future generations richer while you live in penury. If it looks like a scam – it’s probably a scam.

Religious people – Poor people. It’s either God is not listening or the people have been channeling their prayers in the wrong way! God can’t be that wicked!

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