Nigerian Politics And Money Influence.

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Nigerian Politics And Money Influence.

Money is indeed powerful and a necessity in life but when money now becomes the reason to live or in control of common sense then that is an issue.

Most African Countries were colonized by Western Countries, from Britain to France, Spain to Portugal etc. These colonial masters not only robbed us blind but they divided us, got us confused with religion and introduced western education along with democracy.

Nigeria as a Country got liberated in 1960 from the British and they left behind a flourishing democracy and we were meant to follow the principles on the ground.

As a Nigerian and an African, I am not sure to say that was an error and we were too in a hurry to seek for independence considering the situation we are today.

Our founding fathers in the likes of Sir Ahmadu Bello (the sardauna of Sokoto), Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe ( Zik of Africa), Chief Obafemi Awolowo (The Asiwaju Omo Oodua), Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa (First Prime Minister of Nigeria), amongst various other leaders from all corners of the Country would be rolling in their graves seeing that all they fought for was for self - colonisation.

To give some insight to the respectful leaders. Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Nigeria you fought for is no longer as you left it, you wanted Education for all northerners - Sir there are more almajiris in the North than primary schools. You left Islam in the hands of your children to nurture, live in peaceful co-existence with other Nigerians - that's not the case today, a new sect is up north claiming to be jihadists, killing and maiming young kids and women in the name of "Islam" - I know unbelievable right? Sir, it’s 2017, 51yrs after your death - there are still no electricity nor good roads in your region. So much for the independence, you fought for? Sir the same country you fought for, killings in the northern region of non-Muslims and non -northerners is now some sort of "game". I know right - yes there are "leaders" up north and it looks like they are powerless in controlling this menace or they are simply using the alamajiris to score a political point.

Sir Azikiwe - I have news for you too. The Nigeria you laboured for is not the same sir, the eastern part of the country is now less developed than when you left it, crime is now fashion - people are being killed like chickens in the name of "money" and the roads and agriculture were better in your living days. Importantly the ugly head of Biafra war is on the rise again; your children are tired of being part of the Nigeria you fought for sir. Of course, who could blame them? A very rich region in terms of natural resources and industrious people and yet poor people. They now have a young "leader" clamouring for part two of the 60's war where we lost millions of people and yet the "leader" absconded with his family. The same scenario is about to replay itself as the new "leader" is a British citizen with his children safe in queens’ land and common people are being used for war with no ammunition or trained army - yes they now have an "army" - more like cadets. Can you imagine these young men against the federal government with money? Oil ? Tonnes of guns, bombs, tanks and military aircrafts? Not to mention war hungry battalions? Yes, I know sir - the same innocent children and women are about to suffer the same fate if not worse! And the young "leader" is definitely doing a runner to leave them behind again!

Pa Awolowo - you thought life was hard then? No sir! that was a joke! Babangida era was heaven compared to what is going on now sir. Free what? Education? Ha don't go there sir - these days you earn a minimum wage of 18,000 naira with three kids in school, rent is 10,000, feeding and transportation - the children's average school fees is 15,000 naira. No sir! Wait for it, when the kids eventually survive through primary school, secondary and now in higher institution.

This is where the drama begins, Sir get a seat you are about to hear it - an average university course fee is 150,000naira, yes you heard me right - the parents are now being owed about two years salaries if they are in a lucky state with a listening and merciful governor. If by God's grace the parents are able to raise such money miraculously (the government is still wondering why there are corruption and bribery in the work force and in the country at large).

Now a four-year degree course does not mean "four years" in an average university or polytechnic. The lecturers go on strike for fun, you can't blame them, sir - they also have children in other schools and they are being owed salaries too. LAUTECH has been locked up for over two years sir among various other institutes (the government is still wondering why we now have more crimes in the communities) - you asked why sir? The two states owners of the institution are "broke" and they couldn't finance the citadel of learning - if they are in different political parties? Good question sir - No they both belong to the same "party" and in fact, the same party is at the centre of the government. Yes, sir that's how it is now - imagine if in the same party and they can't agree or unite? What's the fate of other opposition states?!

Founding fathers - These days it doesn't matter how much you love your people or what your political or economic ideology is, what is important is to represent your people at both local, state or federal level and how fat your pocket is! Positions are being sold to the highest bidders.

Political parties want money, voters want money and the people are wondering why politicians are heartless and robbing us blind!

There is hunger in the land, the crime is unquantifiable, people are dying daily from our bad roads, hospitals only attend to you if you have cash - even if you are dying. People are killing each other for rituals.

The only comfortable people are wealthy people and the wealthy people are the politicians. But why would they care? The people sold their votes to start with! All these politicians are using the same people against the people. Their children are in the best colleges and universities abroad, they travel abroad for medical attention, they own properties in choice cities across the world and they marry into each other's family in order not to mix with the people and maintain the wealth.

They don't care about the people but themselves. Just to amuse you all sir, the same country you fought for still do not have electricity - yes! electricity, if the large cities and towns are suffering from epileptic power, can you imagine our people in the interior villages and smaller towns are living?

The country has changed a lot, there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor and every region is threatening to go their different ways to have their own countries but they just missed the fact that those countries will be in the care of these same set of people ruling us now. Only under a different flag.

Same people - different country.

Nothing is changing until we the people decide that enough is enough. Be you a Muslim or a Christian, from the South to the North back to the west and east. Neither of the religion preaches killings but sects do. We can only live in peace and harmony once we understand that we are one nation and one people. Irrespective of our differences, we have come a long way and together we shall reach the promised land.

However, if any part of the country insists on secession then please do it through dialogue and not war. Hungry people don't fight a war, millions of people will die and all for nothing as all those instigating war have a second plan and they always know when to use their exit strategy.

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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