The War, The People, The Clown & The Government.

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The War, The People, The Clown & The Government.

It is a common practice around the world to have a tribe or a group of communities to seek independence and withdraw from membership of a federation.

Scotland is an example of this as it’s one of the four Countries that made up the United Kingdom – they are very vocal and active about leaving the Union. They had a referendum and the majority voted against independence from the United Kingdom.

The Scottish people are blessed with massive gas reserves in the North Sea and huge oil. Therefore, they have a valid reason for their clamour for Independence. They were not comfortable at how the United Kingdom has managed the oil resources in its seas and they feel they deserve better as a Nation. Scottish oil comprises an estimated 94% of all the United Kingdom Oil wealth. The Scottish people feel their natural resources are being used to maintain and develop Westminster and Britain at large while its people are getting less than they deserve.

One way or the other, Scotland may get her independence as the United Kingdom is on its way out of the European Union and Scotland has made it clear that they stand to gain more as a member of the European Union and they may adopt the euro currency.

Lesson to learn here – The Scottish people have the right to seek for their independence and the United Kingdom grant them the referendum, the power belongs to the people after all. No life was lost; there was no hate speech or call for war from either side.

Relating this to our land – South Eastern Nigerians haven’t done anything wrong by seeking to leave the federation, all they were asking for was a referendum but they got misled by a talkative, self-made “leader” and a clown parading as a messiah.

Nigeria is a Country that relies solely on the wealth from crude oil and this product is predominantly from that zone. I have been lucky to have seen some towns and cities in the East, South, West and in the North. I can confirm that if I were to be from anywhere in the Eastern part of Nigeria and I visit the Country Capital amongst other states that are well developed – I will be upset as most towns in the East are still very far from development despite contributing immensely to the national purse.

A wealthy zone with various natural resources, industrious people – There is no town or village that you wouldn’t find an Igbo man in this Country plying his trade, give an Igbo man a tiny stall to trade and he is buying up the whole street within a decade.

It is unfortunate that these vibrant people lack good leadership just like any other zone of the nation. There is no smoke without a fire, this zone has been marginalized and abandoned for too long and they have been very lenient.

They have been killed, used and pushed to the wall with no choice than to ask for freedom. But many factors are to be considered if that is to be achieved.

Let’s start with the fact that most successful Igbo businessmen have their businesses and properties in the South and up North and contributing in no small quota to the development of these cities and towns outside the Igbo land – so starting a war? Who is losing out here?

Have you noticed that only the poor ones and ordinary people are rallying round Mazi Kanu “the leader” – well they have nothing to lose beyond their lives? I heard someone compared Kanu to General Ojukwu. Ojukwu was a decorated General in the Army and despite that, he lost the war but not his family members! He had an exit strategy when the heat was on and he escaped – we as a Nation lost nearly 2million people to that civil war. The situation is not any different today – Kanu is a British Citizen, in fact, a dual national as he still carries a Nigerian Passport. Yet, many of his followers have been seen on social media burning and tearing their national passports. In a developed society – that is treason!

I am a bit confused – if at all the Igbos still nurse the ambition to run their own Nation. They have decades to prepare for it and all they could come up with as soldiers are a handful of young men with sticks? War doesn’t get fought by boys’ scouts. There are no soldiers, no arms, and no foods – how exactly is this war going to end? Another 2 million people? And Mazi Kanu doing a runner via the Cameroun border in a woman dress?

Killing innocent people for personal gain is criminal, forming an army within a sovereign state is treason and the Federal government allowing the joke to get that far without a dialogue was not smart – no matter what the situation is, the government is responsible for the protection of lives and properties of all citizens and Igbo people like any other tribes in Nigeria have the right to independence if they so desire. You can’t force people to be together.

The self-acclaimed Biafra “leader” provoked the Federal government with so many hate speeches that an ordinary brother to brother disagreement would have led to a scuff. Calling for war when you are not ready? What are the plans against armoured tanks and machine guns? You can’t be planning to use women and children as shields! Kanu challenged the government to a battle that he cannot win. He wouldn’t dare do such in the United Kingdom where he holds a citizenship – raising an army and soliciting for arms?  Calling all state leaders names and encouraging his followers to kill people and destroy properties? – He won’t have a second chance to address his followers as a free man for a while if ever.

For the Federal Government to go killing people that are being brainwashed is an act of injustice. Two wrongs never make a right. It’s funny that the Nigeria military now declares the IPOB as a terrorist group? Really? That is so extreme and unacceptable. This is more like a confirmation that Nigeria does not want the Igbo people as part of the nation. We have been through this ugly route in the 60’s and it was hell for both sides. Till date, many Nigerians have been left with no choice than to remain as foreigners in another land. Majority of people in Cameroon and the Republic of Benin are from Nigeria and few other African Countries have our Citizens permanently residing in their countries as a result of the civil war.

If IPOB is now a terrorist group according to the Nigeria military. What does that make the Fulani herdsmen killing innocent people to protect their cows? Your cow destroyed a family farmland and you want them to extend a handshake? Fulani herdsmen go about with riffles and knives and they won’t hesitate to kill a whole village to protect a cow. Are those a Charity organisation? If IPOB is a terrorist group!

Come back to the South West. In Ikorodu – a city in the North-East of Lagos state. Ikorodu is now one of the most dangerous places to live or drive through in Nigeria.

Ikorodu is the home of the Notorious Badoo boys’ cult. They have been on a rampage killing innocent citizens for “rituals”. Young, old, rich or poor people are not safe in this City. Yes, the state has a Governor and this is the home to most top politicians, expatriates, and other top government officials.

I am wondering if the Nigeria Military thinks this as a “human right group” and not a terrorist group.

Back to North East – Boko Haram has been causing havoc through a wave of bombings, assassinations, and abductions with the aim of overthrowing the Government and create an Islamic state like the ISIS. Thousands of people have lost their lives, people have been sent out of their towns and villages and now resides in IDP camps across the country – away from their homes. Properties and businesses have been lost due to the acts from this “Social Organisation” as it does not look like the Military or the government understand what a terrorist group is.

We as a Nation have so much to deal with as it is. Every zone in the land is dealing with one menace or the other. The government should try as much as possible not to play tribal politics with people’s lives. What is good for the goose is also good for the gander. You can’t be treating some menace with hand gloves and treating others with war.

To my fellow Nigerians in and from the East – It is your right to seek for secession if you are not comfortable to be part of the federation but via referendum and dialogue, not by war. Imagine what happened recently with people losing their lives and properties – may their soul rest in peace. Where is the “leader” – he is safe somewhere. I can assure you that it won’t be any different if the actual war happens – the “leader” will go on exile and living comfortably with his family and under the protection of the host government.

In any civil war – the only ones profiting are the businessmen trading in ammunition. There will be Nations to support the Biafra agitation just as Nigeria will have allies too but guess what? They will finance both sides in the war - send in guns and grenades for both parties to kill each other, the next step is to come in as peacekeepers but only to protect the oil you are fighting over. While you are busy fighting, they will be busy exploring the oil in your lands. The longer the war, the better for them – so, they will be in control of the media and the supply of foods, of course, the money too. Now you are at their mercy.

So, my dear people – why would you want to allow this flourishing land that is full of milk and honey to turn to another Syria, Iraq or Libya – have you seen what they did to Libya over oil and gold?

We have differences – no doubt, but war is not an option.

It’s either we end the clamour for war or the war will end us!

I am not Igbo,
I am not Yoruba,
I am not Ibibio,
I am not Kanuri,
I am not Ijaw,
I am not Fulani,
I am not Efik,
I am not Hausa,
I am not Igala,

I am a Nigerian.

Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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