What, How and When? - Which Way Forward?

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What, How and When? - Which Way Forward?

 When politicians come masquerading about campaigning for offices. It's important to ask questions and not just listen to their blabbering that has been proven as not working year in, year out. Ask them what they are planning to do against what's on the ground? And how are they going to do it? e.g funding - Also important is when are they going to do it? - time frame!

 Someone coming into office without a plan is obviously on a time wasting journey at the expense of the people. Not all campaign promises are achievable as can be obvious from what they are promising. A candidate promising 100,000 jobs immediately he gets elected is surely on a scamming spree as if it were that easy, the incumbent government would have done that. And if at all that happened - they mostly add new workers to the civil service that's already saturated and heavily struggling with lack of salaries and pensions running into years.

 To create jobs - then it's unavoidable to establish new factories and expand other sectors of the economy. Ask them how they intend to employ people and the plan on how to service such.

 Debate - in a sane society, all candidates seeking for the same post should engage in a debate and be questioned publicly on why they are interested in the position and how they intend to be different to the present occupier of the post. If you are scared to debate - politics is not for you! Period!

 A politician that has served in previous governments or other positions in the government of the day - both elected or as an appointee and now interested in contesting for a different position entirely should be questioned on what they did while they were holding their previous post. It doesn't matter what post or what year it was - if they have questionable decisions or characters hanging on their neck or they failed to perform to expectation, then they are not eligible to contest.

 Recycling of the same set of politicians has done more damage than good to the nation. Imagine a Federal Minister in the 70's still a minister in the 21st century - only with a different portfolio? If he couldn't do the job in the 70's when he was younger - how exactly can he perform any form of magic now that he is a septuagenarian? 

A politician with series of cases with the EFFC can't be so bold to be campaigning for an elective post again, where it is certain he is only after immunity whilst in office - obviously while in office this politician would do anything possible to scuttle the investigation and see to it that all officers in charge of his case are either retired or eliminated - of course, no file or evidence can be found any longer at this stage!

 Nothing can change as we know it if we don't attempt to change how things begin at the grassroots. From Councillors to the State Governors, from Senators to the President - field credible candidates with honourable antecedents. Someone that has never run a successful business or had a successful career can't do anything with power without misusing it.

 Be you from Shendam or Nnewi, from Abraka or Yola, from Odogbolu or Lafia. You have to take your future into your own hands without being dictated to on what your future should look like by someone that has been in government before you were born - it's the 21st century. If you can't do it for yourself - please do it for your kids.

 It's important to know that no one relinquishes power intentionally especially in Africa. You have to force them out of power either at the polls or by the barrel of guns. The polls are the best shot and the only way to let them know we are now wiser and the game is up against them.

 If by 2019 - we still have the same set of people in government but now in different positions then I would come to the conclusion that we Nigerians are the problem of Nigeria and Africa at large. You can't have something new by doing the same thing over and over again! It's not a rocket science - vote massively against them, no amount of rigging can win against the majority if the fire burning in us is enough and apparent. 

Nobody is coming to choose you - you will have to choose yourself and present yourself as a formidable candidate to beat.A generational power shift is unavoidable as it is. The same set of people ruling since independence are still in the corridor of power calling the shots after nearly six decades? It's very obvious that the old guards are not willing to quit the stage even though most are over 70yrs of age on average!

 Most of these current leaders became leaders in their 20's and their 30's yet they are still calling the shots in their 80's and 90's!Money politics and godfatherism needs to be phased out of the polity. It's doing a lot of harm and hindering the right candidates with good intentions from being successful at the polls.

 A positive and diplomatic revolution is inevitable at this point. The polls are the only way to meet them and have them disgraced massively. The power is so sweet so they won't let go easily without rigging and using the state security agencies against the people.

 This generation can't afford to wait to be given power by these group of the older generation who are not willing to leave either - the only solution is to grab it from them in all tiers of government through the polls.

 They can't rig any elections if they are not a candidate themselves. A 70yr old warming up to be President and a 60yr old campaigning to be a Governor? An ex-governor aiming the senatorial slot? A two-term federal minister eyeing the governorship seat? Something is wrong in the land and the only way is to prevent them from continuing the same charade! It's a joke that has gone too far too long. 

I understand that most people have lost faith in the political and electoral system in this country but we can still rectify the errors so our children don't suffer the same fate we have suffered.

 Secession is not the answer but a change of guards at all levels.

 Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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