Good People - Bad Government. APC = PDP

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Good People - Bad Government. APC = PDP

Africans are known to be hardworking people and they will do anything under the sun to be educated, travel as far as possible to provide for their family. Nigerians, in particular, will do anything humanly possible to be somebody in the midst of everybody.

No matter how hard a Country is for its Citizens, drop Nigerians there and they will definitely find something to do out of nothing. My people are very industrious, creative and resilient in nature.

Despite all these, we as a Nation and people have been unlucky with leadership – they have come in different colors, shades, and sizes but we have found out that no matter how you cook your rice, either fried or boiled – rice is rice at the end of it. They are all the same either under the umbrella or with the broom.

In an ideal world, a political party is an organized group of people with similar political aims and opinions and these people with similar ideology will seek to influence the public policy by getting its candidates elected to public office e.g a state governor or a member of the Senate.

People’s ideologies rarely change and so when someone’s views align with Party A they tend to stay with that party and remain loyal for as long as they are in active politics and even in retirement because the party is flying the banner of their interest and views. In most cases when there are any disagreements a party loyalist may decide to be an independent candidate in an election if they so wish to test their popularity without a party’s platform.

There is definitely nothing wrong in disagreeing with other members of your party but there is a lot wrong to disagree, agree and disagree and agree all within a short period of time and in the process of all these disagreements you run off to pitch a tent with the opposition party (which naturally should have a different view and aims to your party) then back to your party then again few months down the line run back to the other party. You are not only confusing your loyalists and followers but you are exhibiting the traits of someone suffering from Bipolar disorder and someone not to be trusted with power.

Only in Nigeria can you have a politician in 5 different parties in 5 years – why? What exactly do you stand for? With all due respect, no normal human being runs from pillar to post without being chased.

I have seen how young people support and worship these selfish politicians who are only good in chasing power and using the youths’ future as a bargaining chip and yet the youths are too blind to see that all these people they are fighting for or against are members of the same tennis club. They fight publicly in Nigeria and attend social functions together in Dubai and London laughing away at the people’s gullibility.

It’s all a game. Politicians are not any different to musicians, they will plan their fights in other to remain relevant and keep the people busy and feeding their individual fan base and supporters with cooked stories – this is an old-time scheme that still works till date! The only difference is that these musicians are only after the money and not hurting anyone but the politicians, on the other hand, are not only after the mega-money but mortgaging the future of the youths and robbing the entire populace of their deserved social amenities and welfare.

See the Scenario below. The south-east people are loyal to the PDP but for that zone not to have a bloc votes for PDP then the central party APC will sponsor some elements to infiltrate PDP at the party level and locally with cash and promises of political appointments and juicy contracts. So Mr A and B from PDP will remain in PDP but leaking all plans and meetings to APC while Mr. C and D will announce that they are cross-carpeting to PDP from APC and they won’t do that without some noise on the internet and the newspapers and even go on national TV to berate their “former” party, all these usually happens when a new election is coming up.

Of course, the tactics usually work because our people are just too gullible to understand the game being played, after the election – of course, Mr. A, B, C, and D are now coming back “home” to their original party so that the nation can “move forward” Mr A is now an Ambassador, Mr. B is now a Federal Minister, Mr. C a political godfather in his state in charge of appointments and federal contracts and based on agreement Mr. D is warming up as the next Presidential candidate for the party – in all these, the ultimate loser is the people which is rather unfortunate!

Take a look at the APC today – 80% of their Public office holders and Party leaders were founding fathers of PDP and most of them were PDP stakeholders and they held public office for 8 to 16years on average, So why the surprise if they are now back in PDP where naturally they feel at home? Can you be married to someone for 16years and still not have feelings for that person? I doubt that very much – if not for the marriage, for the friendship, time spent together or the kids. It’s not any different here.

Nigerian Politicians are like prostitutes, there is no loyalty, and they are only loyal to themselves and their daily bread. It’s always a game of agreement and calculations and in which the people are never considered but used as a ladder and tool in the process.

Therefore, my people there is nothing like I am dying for APC or PDP – Both parties are the same set of people. That Mr. G moved from House A to House B doesn’t change their behavior or who they are. People don’t change no matter how much they pretend to have changed – it’s all acting and part of the game.

2019 is around the corner and the same old game is playing about again, same old people, same parties and same calculations – use the people, buy the people, promise the people and dump the people.

Register to vote,
Make your vote count,
Don’t sell your vote,
Vote for a credible candidate,
Don’t be loyal to a party but to a candidate.
PDP + APC = 10% of the People

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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