An Open Letter To All Nigerian Past And Present Leaders.

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An Open Letter To All Nigerian Past And Present Leaders.

The need for this open letter is simple and straightforward. Our dear Country is in need of help and we are in a state of comatose. If nothing is done as a matter of urgency, we might not have a country soon.

All leaders from independence, local councilors, local government chairmen, state assembly members, state commissioners, house of assembly members, deputy governors and governors, federal ministers, board members, house of representatives members, senators, ambassadors, deputy presidents and presidents/head of states.

First of all, we thank you for all your policies, efforts, ideas, sacrifices and hard work. Thank you from local governments, to states, and to the federal government. On behalf of all Nigerians from all the villages and cities across the Country including Nigerians living in diaspora – we say thank you. Nigeria is a very secular and big Country with so much differences and I understand the challenges you must have faced and facing in trying to govern us.

And back to the matter at hand. If every one of you that has been fortunate to have served in any government since independence in whatever capacity happened to have worked in a private company. I am sure you will either be in jail by now serving a long sentence or get fired with disgrace for gross incompetence.

How exactly can we understand or accept all these mismanagement of government funds and lack of security with no jobs and skyrocketing poverty across the land? With all these huge budgets year in year out, from the federal government to the states governments and yet we still can’t provide ordinary electricity for our people? We have gained independence since 1960!! Good 57years ago!!! We have been in the same circle since independence; it’s all about change of leadership at all levels! Rather than providing good governance to the people.

With all due respect, every one of you that have occupied one government post or the other or occupying as we speak. You all have failed us, it has been a charade and pure looting spree from one government to the other – in most cases the same set of people moving from one government to other. For decades now all the actors in government are only swapping portfolios without perfecting one.

Most of you leaders are sycophants, megalomaniac with zero knowledge on how to move this nation forward. It’s all about you and you and your offsprings. It is rather unfortunate because you all had better opportunities and education than the present generation and you have chosen to rob us all of the same opportunity you had. Majority of you came into politics and appointed as either a Governor or Minister in your 20’s and you are still calling the shots in your 80’s while those in their 40’s are still struggling to secure their first job!

It’s obvious that the colonialist left us a working government and system that made the system work for you people as youths but you all collectively destroyed the system for my generation and the next – You all can’t make heaven no matter how much you donate to the churches and mosques from your ill-gotten billions.

Just in case you are too far from reality as you all only mingle with the rich like yourself. There is no more middle class in the country. You are either rich or poor – people are dying of curable diseases while you people are building your mansions and sharing oil wells.

Nearly all the youths are into drugs, prostitution, and fraud to make a living – That’s to tell you that you have not only destroyed this generation but the next too out of your greed and a huge appetite for our collective state fund!

The youths and the general populace are being pushed to the wall with no choice than to turn around and say enough is enough. You have used them and dumped them at every election, their future traded for few thousands and they are getting smarter now as they want to protect the future of their own children too.

If the Military, the police, the youths and all pressure groups come together against you then I can only wish you all good luck in saving your lives and your loved ones. Do not forget that no matter what, all men and women in uniform are naturally part of the people, our parents, uncles, aunties, cousins, nephews, and nieces. One widespread movement and you are all history. The people have nothing to lose anymore, we have lost it all already but you lot have everything to lose as you have been stealing for decades!

There is no single sector of the economy that’s a success! We are the 8th largest oil producer in the world and yet one of the poorest! How did we get here? The richest people in the land are not industrialist or commerce scions but politicians and their cronies! We export crude oil but there are no petrol and diesel at our filling stations? How is this possible? Who are the clowns making all these policies? Sell to make money but lack the same product at home?

The education sector is a mess; the health system is practically non-existent! There is no welfare programme to cater for the children or our old ones! We have more criminals than graduates! The graduates are not guaranteed any job and this, in turn, is discouraging our teenagers from getting further education after high school!

Our police force officers are now being used as bag carriers, escort for fraudsters and shooting innocent citizens at will like a lawless society! The same citizens that they are meant to be protecting!

Every one of you run abroad for medical attention but forgetting the ordinary citizens that can’t even afford a fare to the airport – What does it cost to provide world standard hospitals in all the states capitals of the federation? You are not only saving the lives of the people but your life to when those famous “cardiac arrest” come calling!

People are suffering! In a Country where minimum wage can’t pay your rent! How do they expect you to live? Feed your children? Educate them and see to their health being! One bag of rice is nearly same amount to a salary! There are no houses for the people but you politicians are having mansions in multiple numbers and competing with private jets – who sleeps in a 50bedroom mansion? To do what? While your subjects are sleeping rough under the bridge with no hope for dinner?

Africa as a continent and Nigeria as a Country is very rich not just in natural resources but our people are creative and industrious but we lack critical thinking leadership, all our leaders are only after enriching themselves with no interest in people development and neither do they care about the future generation.

I have news for you all – all these money you have been stealing and ferrying abroad, they are only to the benefit of the host countries and not your people. When the revolution begins, there won’t be a place to hide for you as all your atrocities are all in the open and known to all.  Your Bentleys, mansions, and series of titles won’t save you.

All the money that should have gone into the construction of roads, schools, provide stable electricity, sound healthcare system have been stolen and still on-going!

What sort of government parastatal keeps cash to the tune of millions of dollars in a private apartment? Money growing wings every day among government officials and no one is being held accountable?

Only in my dear Country is the life of a cow valued over human lives! Only in my dear Country is the government appointing the dead ones into offices and ignoring the living! Only in my dear Country is the head of government quite over state matters! Only in my dear Country is millions of dollars missing in a government safe and no one has a clue – no one is investigating either.

Rather than focus on delivering good governance, the government of the day is busy campaigning for elections! In a sane society, you deliver your manifestoes and let the people decide if you deserve a second term but in this part of the world, they believe in the power of cash – buy as many votes as possible!

Your scam of “Leaders of Tomorrow” is now exposed and open to everyone. There is no such thing as that! At least not in the people’s book as all the present and past government appointments has proven.

In a country where the president is nearly 80yrs old and warming up for another election and we are wondering why the country is stagnant! Most 80yrs old are in a care home or in their farm waiting for the last day! The present Nigerian Ambassador to the U.S.A is 82yrs old!! I don’t understand the logic behind such an appointment but it’s wrong in in so many different levels and of course, the government is too sleepy and deaf to hear the cries of the people to such appointment.

Don’t be deceived, all is not well with the country at all levels – everyone is busy on how to win elections and they care not about the voters. People are dying every day with no explanation on all the senseless killings and the government of the day is busy releasing INEC elections timetable.

Even when the truth is bearing, our leaders won’t say it as is because of their political calculations.

2019 is near and you are all busy with various meetings and handshake across the zones but in the process using the people as pawns – someday you will be begging the people and no one we hear your cries as we are crying today with no one listening.

The Government of the day is deaf and dumb but the people are crying with anger and hunger – there is only one end to this. The people turning against the government! We are in millions and you clowns are just in thousands!! Let the deaf read the sign before it’s too late to see the signs!

God bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria and its people.
