More Churches And Mosques - Fewer Factories = Deep Poverty And High Crime Rate!

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More Churches and Mosques and fewer Factories, Hospitals, Roads and Schools and they are wondering why we are so poor and living in the past!

Before you read this piece - I am a Nigerian, I am not a Muslim neither am I a Christian but a believer of God. I am just human and a fellow Nigerian. You may understand this piece better without sentiment if you read as a neutral person like the writer! Being Spiritual and being religious are two different paths!

Africa and its unfortunate situation - Africa as a continent is in need of a complete overhauling, People’s sensitisation and general reorientation.

To make it easy for me to pen the situation with a first class experience I would have to relate this to my home Country - Nigeria!

Nigeria is being held at ransom by both Christianity and Islam! And if nothing is done soon then we may have to start singing “There was a Country”.

I travelled round few states in Nigeria recently and there is one thing all these states have in common - loads of all kind of Churches in competition to attract their “customers”. An average street has more than 10 Churches with different weird and similar names! I saw a multi-storey building with about 10 different churches occupying this building!

In all these streets - Mosques are not left out of the competition either; they are well represented - of course not a match to their Christian counterpart!

There are over 5,000 registered churches on average in some states in Nigeria. And each of these states probably with less than 5 higher institution of learning! With no standard hospitals or tarred roads!

Nigerians have been so brainwashed with religions to the point that we now think that it’s abnormal not to be a Muslim or a Christian!

What exactly has either Islam or Christianity brought to us if not more poverty, chaos and wars! Look towards the North - young children are being taught Arabic and sharia against receiving a western education? In the 21st century? Now we are wondering why we have more bombers and menace to society in our midst? The same Arabs you are busy learning their language are sending their offspring’s to the west for western education in engineering, technology, medicine etc. and they are returning home to develop their deserts into one of the most attractive, business and holiday friendly cities in the world that’s attracting visitors from across the globe! Including Nigerians! Dubai was a dry desert! Planned and constructed from the scratch! There is a massive difference between being a Muslim and being stupid!

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Brunei remains among the richest countries in the world with an amazing standard of living for their citizens - they don’t have to kill each other over their religion and they remain in peace? So what’s up with us the religion borrower? We value the Quran more than reading science books - almost everything we use is made in the western world including the machine guns and bombs! Leave their books and education but buy their guns? What’s wrong here?

It’s very obvious that most Christian leaders are only in “business” and nothing to do with the faith! Or how else can one understand churches opening branches all over the country like Tesco or KFC outlet? It’s undeniable that it’s all about the money! The Churches in Nigeria are making so much money that they can finance some African countries’ budgets!

The congregation are so poor and wretched that they can’t afford to live and yet their pennies go towards the church development! The same church leaders are living so large and throwing flashy lives at their faces, yet everyone is okay with it! One man with 3 private jets! Nigerian Pastors are among the richest men in the world!!

So many Churches are being erected daily running into billions of Naira and yet people don’t have jobs! All these money will go a long way to keep the people employed! If at all when these churches build schools or hospitals - the congregation are never considered as clients because they are never affordable for the common man!

Growing up in Nigeria. We had Baptist, Anglican and ECWA schools - whatever happened to all those schools and ideas? Now it’s all about the glam. Pastors using Rolls Royce, Private jets and limousines, living in mansions and spending millions to celebrate birthdays?

People are so brainwashed to the point that they work for these business centres branding as “churches” for free!! They made them believe they are working for the “Lord” and the same people are wondering why they are poor! Who in their right minds work for free! The same Pastors are having their children chase their individual dreams in foreign colleges and universities while living in their parents' mansions but they are making you work for the “Lord” - God must dislike their own children so much!

Political leaders are not left out. Every one of them is busy erecting billions of Naira worth of churches all over the place! Are these building meant to bribe God for all your ill-gotten wealth? Of what benefit is a multi-billion Naira church in a poor community with jobless and wretched people?

The logic is simple - all these political leaders and religion clowns have something in common. Keep the people wretched and impoverished so they can’t reason well! When a man is poor, he is easy to control! Yes sir! Yes ma!

Daddy Freeze was bold enough to challenge these gluttons in robes on their illegal and non-biblical tithes collections, all they could come up with were curses and abuses but not a single one was bold enough to challenge him to a debate or back their claim up with any verse in the Bible!

Yet - their followers are busy abusing just about anyone that’s sane enough to say enough is enough, this is not right! For those saying “is it your money” “how much is the money sef” “it’s my money, I can do whatever I desire with it” “Men of God must eat” among all sort of excuses and defences!

Do you realise that 100naira from 100,000 people weekly is exorbitant right? The logic is to collect in small denominations but in multiple numbers to realise the desired figure! And of course, it’s regular, tax-free and “legal”!

Until the people understand the real meaning of development then we are stuck in the past! We need to stop building churches and encourage our leaders to keep the youths employed! What’s the point in endless prayer with no job? Why praying rather than do the needful! I am sorry to break it to you!! Prayer doesn’t work without hard work! People going to church even on a Wednesday!

We don’t need more churches or mosques! Our communities are over saturated with them! Most towns and streets don’t need alarm clocks anymore. The mosques and churches wake them up at 5am with their noises in the name of calling up to God!

Build industries, world-class hospitals, research centres, sports centres, schools, good network of roads, bridges, provide scholarships, construct vocational centres, public libraries!

Most Christian nations are rich and developed countries - see Israel! U.S.A! U.K! They don’t construct churches but simply maintain the one handed over to them by previous generations and they are focusing on community and people’s development. They are busy with research in science and technology over the Bible and Quran!

The earlier we change path towards the real development, the better! Our children are busy reading and studying the Bible and the Quran while their counterparts in the western world are inventing and developing new ideas to better their race and the world at large!

Muslims are killing Christians, Christians are killing Muslims - all these differences are artificial and can be eliminated!! Do away with all these religions and embrace peace, development and advancement!

What exactly are we planning to handover to the next generation! Ultra-modern Churches or Mosques? Look at your communities! The most beautiful, attractive and biggest buildings are Churches - some are even a community on their own now!

Have a look at China without Islam and Christianity! Massive development and their people are living in peace! We the Country of “believers” import practically everything including toothpicks and plantain chips from this non-religious Country! Do the maths!

Most successful countries on this planet are non-religious countries just as most successful people in this world are not religious either.

Religion should be a personal relationship with your maker and nothing to do with all those brainwashing experts after your pennies and life.

I don’t see any better lucrative business than “give me all you have and you will get more in after-life” but I will use all those little from you to live my own dream here on earth! It doesn’t look like I believe in whatever I am selling, does it? Those preaching prosperity are the only one benefitting and no one else!

I know the truth is bitter so feel free to abuse and insult me based on your faith (in most cases handed over to you by your parents) today but some part of you knows the truth – facts are facts, either biblical or scientific!

Africa as a continent and Nigeria as a country is better without those two foreign religions! They don’t fit!

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