We Can't Afford To Be Divided As A Nation.

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War Is No Child's Play

Chukwuemeka from Ihiala, Nasir from Zungeru, Ehi from Benin, Yemisi from Ekiti and Domkat from Langtang. It really doesn't matter where you were born or what your religious affiliation is. We have something in common; first and foremost we are Nigerians.

In the interest of our nation and unity, we must bury our differences and come together as one to lift our nation.

This is no longer about me or you but our children, a lot is wrong in our land and we are in this together. Either we like it or not there is hunger in the land and no one is excluded from the big cities to the villages.

Leave aside your ethnicities, religions and all sorts of barriers. A divided house can't stand against the winds and strong winds are blowing across the land in various shades as massive corruption, lack of security, no basic education, clamour for secession, health care in shambles, capital crimes with daily loss of lives, basic amenities like water, food, and good roads are now a luxury, electricity is a dream for an average man.

We can't afford to be divided either at local or national level. A winning house is that unified house.

We are one of the most religious nations on this planet yet one of the most corrupt ones. We are among the richest and yet one of the poorest nation on this planet. We are one of the largest producers of crude oil and still a major importer of kerosene, diesel, and petrol with the scarcity of these in the land.

There is a lot wrong with our nation, we are not only blessed with rich natural resources but some of the most educated and well-read people on earth. Yet we manage to find ourselves in this situation where managing our vast resources has been a curse rather than a blessing.

It's no longer news that we lack good leadership and our leaders irrespective of what part of the nation they come from, they have failed us over and over again.

If we refuse to stand up against these rulers parading as leaders now then our children won't forgive us. Let's stop complaining across the fence and make effort in making a contribution to our own development.

We can't do this through the barrel of guns nor grenades - the only people that profit from any war is the ammunition dealers and the losers are me and you killing our cousins in the name of dividing our motherland. We lost millions of innocent citizens during the Biafra war!

Challenge them at the polls and vote massively against them. Your only weapon is your voter’s card - use it wisely.

Together we can show them the way out. A nation with London based president is going astray.

Be it at the local, state or national government - an actual change is imminent and unavoidable.

Long live Nigerians from Jos to Onitsha, from Ibadan to Damaturu.

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
