Nigeria Is Sitting On A Time Bomb!!!!!

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Nigeria Is Sitting On A Time Bomb – High Rate Of Drug Abuse, Prostitution, Cultism, Money Ritual And Zero Respect For Life Amongst The Youths.

Nigeria is the most populous black Nation on this planet. This beautiful Country has over 250 tribes with unique culture and tradition and rarely can you travel to any Country on this planet that you won’t find Nigerians. I have been lucky to have lived in 7 Countries and visited about 40 so far, all the Nigerians I have met in my path are not only hardworking but industrious and creative. No matter how tough a situation is, an average Nigerian is built to endure hardship and be a success by whatever it takes.

On the Homefront - however, a lot is going on and it doesn’t look like the government is concerned at all or they are just turning a blind eye to all these epidemic disasters.

The rate at which the young generation is seeking wealth overnight is appalling and alarming. The mentality of an average youth is no longer how to get a better education or learn a trade but to become rich overnight by all means. No thanks to the government that has glamorized corruption and celebrating emergency billionaires in our society.  In Nigeria, it is okay to be poor in the morning and become a billionaire by dinner time – no questions asked, chieftaincy titles will start rolling in, police escorts will be allocated to you and suddenly you are now a “Celebrity” appearing in magazines and having friends in government.

Our youths have been brainwashed to think life is all about how much money you can make and how you make it does not matter, even if it includes killing others or losing your own life in the process.

The Churches are not helping either with their prosperity messages. Young people now think there is some magic in praying for riches even though you haven’t worked for it. Who in their sane mind believes in “Jesus will surprise you with a billion-naira cheque before month end, just be a believer in the name of Christ – can I here Amen!!!” Shoo!

Too much freedom with the Churches and Mosques, there is no control and anyone can start saying anything to their congregation with the primary motive of brainwashing them into doing their own bidding. Nigeria is a Country where there are more Churches and Mosques than factories and manufacturing companies. The knock-on effect on the young people is believing that “God will provide” “God will do it” “Leave it to God” “There is nothing God cannot do”. Even where it is evident that a manual effort is required, my people have been brainwashed into that cult masquerading as a religion – Take religion out of the society and you have hardworking people with a mission to survive and the will to sustain themselves.

Rome was not built by God, neither was Dubai or Saudi Arabia built by God, Israel wasn’t built by God either – Romans, Arabs, and Israelites built their respective nations – My Dear people, build your Country.  A nation where children are being forced to study the Bible and the Quran against science and technology books is on the path to self-destruction with zero development in all sectors. What you are having in return is a generation full of zombies and out of touch with the outside world with their myopic and isolated minds. No country can survive with such generation ruins.

While the government is busy with a change of leadership and various other irrelevant issues. The young ladies of this Nation are dumping education for prostitution in a very alarming rate, they are moving in droves to Libya, Dubai, South Africa, Russia, Italy and other European Countries to ply their trade. This is not limited to the international level, our higher institutions are not any different, our young ladies are “busy” in school with their trade, schooling in Lagos and in Abuja, Owerri and Akure every weekend, and this is called “Hustling”. Young graduates are pulling resources together to rent a flat in Lekki, Abuja, Port Harcourt and various big cities to enable them “Hustle” properly. There are numerous graduates with zero availability of jobs! This Country is losing future Nurses, Midwives, Accountants, Doctors, lawyers and responsible parents this way.

Drug abuse and misuse - There is practically no control over the borders neither is there a proper regulation in place to control the influx of these hard drugs and this, in turn, is wrecking a major havoc on our youths who have been busy experimenting all sorts of drugs available at their disposal. This drug problem is so epidemic that it’s not limited to one state or region but across the Country, from Kano to Kaduna to Yola, Lafia to Zungeru, Benin to Yenagoa, Ibadan to Ikorodu or Shagamu.

Various drugs in the society with all sorts of names. From the famous Codeine (Blunts) to Morphine, Refnol, Tramadol and Opiods. All these are just coming to the limelight now but the issue has always been around but with limited spread until recently. Now nearly everyone smokes marijuana and it’s almost legal as policemen and other military and security officials are part of this menace. The entertainment industry where most of the youth’s role models are is not left out of this menace of drug abuse.

The pharmacies- both legal and the underground ones - all around are busy making fortunes off these young people in the name of “Business”. No party is completed without Tramadol or weed. In a Country where there is no mental health care or support. So many young people are roaming the streets with a mental disorder as a result of their drug abuse. There have been stories of so many killings that are drugs related in this Country – at the rate at which the young people are taking drugs, a whole generation is about to be wiped off over avoidable menace.

Unfortunately, the youths of the Country are caught up in a failed system that has let everybody down including the aged ones. Cartons of Tramadol and codeine to celebrate a birthday? This drug abuse menace is a national challenge that requires a lot of efforts from all sectors to curb and I must say it is a long ride considering how huge the community of the users is all over the Country.

The government failed to respond in a timely manner when this menace started and now we have a huge problem at hand – so many drugs in the society and readily available to any interested buyer! Now the situation is so bad that we now have young kids as young as 14years old taking codeine from Sabongari in Kano to Mushin in Lagos to Benin City – the story is same everywhere. If nothing is done as a matter of urgency with the right regulatory body to sanitize the system and sensitize the people then I am so sorry that this drug abuse and misuse menace is about to grow out of hand and it would require United Nations to come in for the rescue in the land of zombies!

Back in the days – cultism was limited to the four walls of the universities and polytechnics but now traders, okada riders, drivers, butchers, labourers and high school students as young as age 12 are now cultist, including women and young girls – all in the name of power tussle and expansion in numbers, we have ruined the future of these children. A lot of people have died as a result of one clash or the other that they personally have nothing to do with and they stand to gain or lose nothing either but fighting for their platform.

No state or community is at peace or free from this menace to society, so many killings all over the land over nothing. The same youths that are supposed to unite with a common front are busy killing each other. A friend of mine once did a research and found out there are more guns and various ammunition in the community than what the Nigeria Police has! That’s alarming! The most hurtful and shameful part is the fact that all these cultists are being financed by their leaders in government.

It is no longer news that our youths are so desperate to be rich that they have gone diabolic. An average 19years old is already dreaming of buying a Range Rover SUV and owning a mansion in lekki without having a means of living. The society has made the youths believe that you must get rich by all means and they have listened.

To make this a reality – our youths have been running from pillar to post for one spiritual help or the other, many have lost their lives in the process and those who are lucky enough are living like dead ones with so many conditions attached to their emergency wealth. The government is powerless in this case but if there was a government with the right policies and social services in the first place, we won’t get here.

In order to have this wealth, by all means, they are ready and willing to kill as much as possible for it and they won’t stop as long as the money keeps coming. Many innocent people have died as result of this chase and desire for wealth by whatever it takes.

While our leaders are busy fighting for leadership. If care is not taken, I am afraid there won’t be anyone left to lead in this country of heartless, killers, druggies and prostitutes. No matter how much we present all is fine – it’s not fine and a lot is wrong in the land.

No, we don’t need prayers – what we need is collective actions from everyone to kill all these menaces before it gets out of hand, if not already out of hand.

Long Live Nigerians from Zungeru to Kazaure,
Long Live Nigerians from Yola to Pankshin,
Long Live Nigerians from Akoko Edo to Agenebode,
Long live Nigerians from Ihiala to Otukpo,
Long live Nigerians from Akungba to Abeokuta
