Olusegun Obasanjo - The Real Maradona

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Olusegun Obasanjo - The Real Maradona

Chief Olusegun Obasanjo needs no introduction to anyone of age in this Country. However, it’s important to highlight that he was a onetime Nigeria’s military head of state and a two term civilian President. His tenure as head of state lasted for three years and he handed over to Shagari who was elected as a President in 1979. He was celebrated then as a hero who allowed democracy to be installed.

You can’t write the history of Nigeria without having his name in a loop, either in the negative or positive chapters. He did his best at several times that he has been blessed to be at the helm of affairs of this great nation.

Lately, Baba has been in the news repeatedly to condemn the government of the day, the same government he supported and helped installed. Baba knows President Buhari more than an average Nigerian, knows his ability, limit, weakness and strong points. What has changed?

Chief Obasanjo has been part of all the governments from 1979 till date by proxy. When he was released from Prison by General Abdusalam , to comfort the south west for the loss of Chief M.K.O Abiola, the acclaimed winner of the 1993 Presidential election. It was essential to find another south westerner as the next President. The cabals in government can only trust one of their own, an ex-military man and ex-leader and no other person fits in south west than Chief Obasanjo.

He was released and magically “won” the primary election of PDP to become the party flagbearer for the general election. It’s not a surprise when he eventually won the election. The cabals which includes past head of states, top politicians across the country, royal fathers and ex-military top dogs practically installed him as the President. It was in the news that when Baba returned from prison, he only had 20,000naira in his name. The likes of moneybags like Atiku Abubakar and Orji Uzo Kalu came to the rescue to finance not only Baba’s campaign but finance the party nationwide.

Atiku Abubakar at this time was an elected governor of Adamawa state but in order to balance the power at the central, the Shehu Musa Yar’adua political group needed to be pacified and of course with the aim to secure a block vote from the North.  Yar’adua died in in captivity on the 8th of December 1997, the Sanni Abacha regime jailed him along with Olusegun Obasanjo and Lawan Gwadabe on the allegation of planning a coup to overthrow the government.

Obasanjo won the general election in 1999 and democracy returned to Nigeria after decades of military rules. Nigerians from across the land were happy that the khaki boys are back to the barracks but here come the joke, the elected president is an ex-military man, most of the party leaders are ex-military men and they are also not left out at the leadership of the Senate. So it was a change of regalia but same old system.

A lot of expectations were expected from Obasanjo, it’s his second time coming and for a man that nearly lost his life, the people were so confident that this man must have learnt his lesson and be a better leader.

Apparently, Obasanjo made a deal with Atiku to only run for a term and return the power to the North as he did in 1979. Atiku is not only a successfully businessman but a smart man with a cult-like followership across the land. Baba needed him, his money and his Yar’adua political group to secure the Presidency so all promises were made.

Four years went on like a fly and of course power is so sweet that baba had to renegade on his promise and he decided to go for a second term. Of course, Atiku went mad as he was banking on the agreement between himself and Baba to only do a term. Atiku has been busy building relationships all over the country and amassing wealth as much as he can for him to have the financial buoyancy when the time eventual arrives for his declaration and election. Unknown to him, Obasanjo is not really a man to be trusted when it comes to power.

Then the war begins, Obasanjo too has been busy installing his men and women in strategic posts and awarding billions of naira contracts to his cronies with the plan for support during the election. Of course, he won the primaries – the man introduced the cash in Ghana must go policy to the national assembly and the party delegates across the nation. With money available endlessly, you will always find Nigerians as your best friend and ready to do your bidding as you desire. Obasanjo won the election and Atiku reluctantly ran with him with a shift of pole on the promise. It was better for Atiku to remain as the Vice President than to decline the ticket and be declared an enemy of the state – Obasanjo never forgives and EFFC was on standby to chase whoever that’s against his government. Atiku’s hands weren’t exactly clean so he chose the smart decision to remain government.

During the Obasanjo regime. A colossal amount of $16Billion was spent on electricity and till date that money is unaccounted for and there is no electricity either. Several state companies, establishment and properties were auctioned off at ridiculous amount to his friends and cronies at the expense of the country and the people.

On the last leg of his administration. Baba did everything humanly possible to secure a third term and attempt the possibility of being a life-president. Millions Of Naira were paid to House of Representative members and Senators, contracts approved for ex-leaders so the constitution can be amended to allow him run for a third term which would pave way for him as a life-president. That was the beginning of cash-ridden house of assembly where the executives must oil the hands of the legislators before anything can be done even if it’s for the benefit of the country and the people. You have Obasanjo to thank for that.

Smart politicians started their own consultations and underground scheming to derail the third term agenda – the agenda that cost Nigeria Billions and yet failed. The US, Tanzania, Ghana and South African Presidents were contacted to mediate, Senator Adolphus Wabara and Senator Ibrahim Mantu had to spearhead the movement to derail the agenda and it became a success as it was evident that Baba Obasanjo was intoxicated by power and determined to remain in power by all means – the rest is history, he was forced to conduct a general election and leave at the end of his tenure – Third term agenda was a failed project that cost Nigerian billions of Naira! He was famous for prostrating and begging popular politicians for support, he prostrated for Atiku, Orji Kalu amongst others just so they can pity him and let him have his way, and he always do!

Now a successor is required for continuation and Obasanjo took upon himself to find his successor. The Presidency was zoned to the North and out of all aspirants including his Deputy Atiku Abubakar, Obasanjo couldn’t find anyone worthy out of all the aspirants but an unwilling person in the person of Katsina Governor, Umaru Musa Yar’Adua of blessed memory. Yar’Adua wasn’t ready to be a President and he was very sick. A man that was hardly heard of as a sitting governor and confessed to Obasanjo that he was sick and unfit to rule a Nation like Nigeria.

Obasanjo not only insisted on having Yar’adua as the President but also decided to have the then Bayelsa state governor to run as his deputy – Goodluck Jonathan who was not ready to be a Vice President, he was just a deputy governor not too long ago and still gathering experience, he reluctantly accepted to be the vice president. Yar’adua choice of VP was the Cross River state Governor – Donald Duke.

Both Umaru  Yar’adua and Goodluck Jonathan never wanted to lead this Country as President and Vice but Baba forced them on the Nation as part of his own plan to rule by proxy! It is known that Jonathan said to Obasanjo when he was informed about his new role, he simply said “Sir, I do not want this job”.

Both men never aspired for such posts but they were simply recruited and installed, we are talking about President and Vice President of the most populous black nation on the planet and not just association or a local government! We are still paying for the price of such action from Baba. Jonathan later became the President when Yar’Adua died in office, both Presidents were not mentally prepared or ready for the office and neither do they have the vision or a team in place to support them. We are all alive and experienced how the last government was ran like a local government with the vault practically left open to whoever desires some self-help.

Jonathan eventually found his voice via his wife Mama Peace who was smart enough to notice Obasanjo’s over bearing attitude. Obasanjo’s plan was to be in control and have Jonathan as a stooge after the death of Yar’adua who he had the same plan for. As soon as Jonathan found his voice and proved that he is a man enough and this is his government and not Obasanjo’s third term, he became an enemy and the open letter began! Baba Iyabo left the party and started campaigning against Jonathan’s government.

Baba Obasanjo started frolicking with the opposition and suddenly PDP has leprosy and must be stayed away from, the same party he was the President for good 8years under their banner. He tore his party card and declared that he is no longer partisan!

He started promoting the opposition candidate in person of Muhammadu Buhari, the same person that overthrow the civilian government he handed over to in 1979. He openly validated and endorsed Buhari and confirmed Buhari as a messiah and a reformed man with a progressive mind.

Baba is known to throw his support anywhere and stand by anyone  he can benefit from and to disengage and oppose whenever his expectation is not met. The same messiah then is now an incompetent and a failure, even though this echoes most Nigerians thought, it’s just not right coming from a man with equal characteristics with zero morality. You don’t shake the table you are sitting on.

Now the game is on again for 2019 and Baba is everywhere, remove this man and install that man. It’s a game to him and he has mastered the game for decades. To those believing in his coalition, Baba is not after the interest of Nigeria but his own personal interest. Different meetings and coalition ongoing to install another government, an unfortunate situation to be in as the one presently installed is lacking in direction with so much baggages and a high degree of incompetency, the next won’t be any better if we continue to listen to and allow the likes of Obasanjo to dictate for us. If he has the magic wand himself, he ought to have turned Nigeria to Eldorado. Abeokuta is still lacking just like every other cities and towns in Nigeria.

He had the opportunity to allow young, vibrant and a leader with 21st century vision to lead this country and he gave us Yar’adua, Jonathan and now Buhari. Who next?. His Coalition for Nigerian Movement and now African Democratic Congress is full of same old recycled politicians who are from PDP and APC, changing platform doesn’t change the people. Enough of these charades in the name of producing leaders.

The retired should stay in retirement where they belong; they have done enough damages already.

Thank you baba – you have done enough and your best!!
