Your prayers are probably not being answered because you have been asking God for the impossible! The place of the government and that of God are not connected.
Some things must be done by self for self.

“God please give us electricity” - Hellooooo
“God please provide me food” - Hello somebody 
“God please secure my office and stores” - hmm
“God I want that car, you can do it” - lol
“God by Christmas, I need a new house - right!
“God we need roads” - Aww
“God please give us better hospitals” - Heyaa
“God please we need schools” - Hi there
“God please increase my salary” - oh ok
“God we deserve a better environment” - I see
“God I need school admission now” - oh ok
“God we need a bridge here” - Nice
“God can you kill my enemy please” - Aww
“God I so much want an iPhone” - Lol
“God please we need better colleges” - hilarious

Oh my! God has forsaken me, he is not listening to me! No fam, you have been speaking to yourself and channeling your wishes to the wrong corner.
It’s not the place of God to build schools or provide you with money, you will ask your government for social services and amenities. You will work for whatever you desire to have.
Praying is great, it nourishes the soul but praying wrongly is a self-deceit with zero benefit and gives false hope.
People of faith will respond with “Nothing is impossible to do by God” - I agree, now pick a pen and paper to analyse all the above scenarios, how exactly are they logical and possible to be done without you lifting a finger?
Tunde Oluomo
