Another General Election - Same Old Game Plan.


“Tunde, we are getting ready for the next general election and it’s all exciting again. Let’s review your choice of potential candidates”.

Apologies fam, just seeing your message. I will call you at some point but I have none at any level, in fact, limited interest. I however, do have some questions for you to review and answer. These same questions are applicable to the general people.

What are your roads like still?

Do you people have access to standard healthcare yet?

Can you elect your choice without rigging and interference from the government?

Access to basic amenities such as water, electricity yet?

Even affordable broadband access?

Are the children protected and are they being equipped with all they require to be ready to challenge their counterparts in the other side of the world?

Any plan for pensioners and senior citizens who can no longer fend for themselves yet? Or are they still on their own?

Are we still going about erecting boreholes as projects in the year 2022?

Are you guys still voting via the tribal and religion lines?

Oh are votes still for sale to the highest bidder?

What is the cost of food in comparison to your income or the minimum wage?

What’s the crime rate in your area?

Insecurity is no longer a challenge I hope?

Have you compared the minimum wage to school fees recently?

Are you guys still compensating failed leaders with promotions via “elections” by recycling?

Are you people still ignoring the shortcomings of your leaders and supporting them against the state and your people because of government appointments, contracts and cash?  

My brother, I have utmost respect for you but we are not going anywhere anytime soon and the funny thing is you and your cohorts know this too but continue to use the gullible people to your advantage by accumulating wealth that you will never live to enjoy.

The majority of you studied and worked in the west, your family are safe in the west enjoying a working system.

You guys have been budgeting for roads for years but we still don’t have good roads!

You have been budgeting for water but the people still don’t have water!

Security votes are in billions monthly but insecurity is at the highest rate ever! People are being kidnapped and murdered daily and your people are attending parties every weekend, what exactly are you celebrating?

Transportation is a mess!
Schools are like poultries!
Lives are no longer respected or valued! All men on their own like a jungle!
Ordinary basic things necessary for living are not accessible.
You are either poor or rich, the middle class are shrinking and the currency is becoming more worthless everyday.

Go ahead and campaign and buy your votes as usual, you and your goons won’t leave this planet with a penny and you will be forgotten just like others before you with no legacy beyond mansions and cars that would be sold for peanuts.

I am certain you now wish you never asked me this thought-provoking question.

I remain your friend and I will give you a call at my earliest convenience. My regards to the lords at the manor, their days are numbered.

If you could please leave your home and aides, take a tour round your town to feel what the general people are going through to make a living and compare it to your undergrad days in Britain - you can reach your own conclusion from that.

Good luck with the “election” or selection process. Zero interest here!

Tunde Oluomo
